
Your workstation is where the areas and works are built. This is how it looks:

There are many buttons on the workstation which you may need to know:

  1. World/area name: Just shows the name of the world or area you're in
  2. Test button: This opens up a little window to set an spawn id, and then test the level.
  3. Undo button: Undo button, as name says, undoes the last thing you've done.
  4. Menu button: It opens up a window where you can go to other parts of the project, such as area manager, or game setup.
  5. Workbox button: Opens up all your items and blocks to place them on the game.
  6. Display sub-items button: Opens up a pallete with the items related with the category you've chosen on the workbox. For example, if you've selected grass blocks on the workbox, this button will open a pallete with all the parts of a grass floor.
  7. Tools: These are tools to ease your game-making
    • Smart Button: When this button is active, items you place will react with the surrounding items. For example, when you have grass blocks selected, when smart mode is on, all blocks will be placed automatically to connect each other.
    • Move button: When this is enabled you can click on any placed item and drag it to move it when this is enabled.
    • Edit button: When this is enabled, you can click on placed items to change its properties. Items with modifiable properties will highlight on yellow or orange
      • Yellow highlighted: Text signs or command blocks highlight in yellow, this means that has an special property. (e.g. Text for the sign, command prompt for the command blocks.)
      • Orange highlighted: These will be generally custom items, this allows you to go directly to modify its properties on the game setup. Character spawns highlight on yellow and orange at the same time. Yellow modifies the spawn id, and orange modifies the character properties.
    • Copy button: Works as a water dropper of most painting programs. When selected, you can click on any placed block to automatically choose it like if you did in the workbox.
    • Free button: When selected, you can place any blocks anywhere. That's because without this, some blocks doesn't allow to be placed on top of some others
  8. Background button: Opens up a window to choose the background for the area/world.
  9. Settings button: Opens up a menu with all the settings for the area/world.
  10. Music button: Opens up a window to choose the music for the area/world.
  11. View button: Allows you to modify the camera for editing the area/world. This doesn't affect to in-game results.
  12. Save button: Generally Platform Builder saves automatically when moving through menus and does backups too. Still, if you want to save it at any moment, this button will do the thing.
  13. Manual button: Opens manual.
  14. Assistant button: Calls the assistant.

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